xenmusic DMCA notice

This is to inform you that app xenmusic, is in compliance with the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) and does not officially host or distribute any copyrighted material without proper authorization from the copyright holder.

xenmusic allows users to play and download the audio from YouTube videos that they own through the official YouTube API. The app does not store or distribute any copyrighted material, but instead, it retrieves the content from YouTube's servers to allow users with rights to download it (e.g. they own the video, or have explicit permission).

I understand that as a developer, it is my responsibility to ensure that xenmusic is not used for unauthorized distribution of copyrighted content. Therefore, I have implemented a process to respond to any copyright infringement notices that I receive in accordance with the DMCA. However, I am not responsible for the actions of individual users who may misuse xenmusic to download and use copyrighted material without proper authorization.

Please mail me at kiranpaudel1892@gmail to let me know if you have any questions or concerns regarding the operation of my app.


kiran paudel